2004-05-06 | 11:16 a.m.

So in my other litte journal which I have mentioned before, I tend to leave myself logged in because I'm normally the only one who uses my computer and it's annoying to have to sign in all the time anyway.

So last night, while I was making tacos, Justin was bored and made a few posts pretending to be me. While I'm sure you don't care, I feel the need to keep y'all up to date...so pay attention.

May 5th, 2004 @ 5:59pm

Mmmm-Mmmm. My name is Mike. I smell.
I write on internet. I sound the smart!

Do this, do that, do this! I tell you how to act! The poetry, it is the bad!
I am the Mike what smells. I stink!
I drew a picture of me stinking. Here it is...

Blah blah blah! I talk! I do not spend nearly enough time talking about Justin, who is very pretty. Justin is great. I am Mike. I smell.
This entry was most assuredly not written by Robot_Cereal while Mike was not looking. I am Mike!

I go now!

feeling: smelly
listening to: stupid crap

Following this post was a series of comments, to which Justin responded as me...observe:

FROM: boog0r
MESSAGE: That is the most amazing thing ever.

REPLY: I am not amazing! I am Mike! Do you not fear my stink? I am the Mike what stinks!

FROM: hatedlore
MESSAGE: -blink- uhm...

REPLY: Rah! I am Mike! I pull out $0.99 plastic crystal from Spencers and put a spell on you! Bathe in the pretension of Mike!

REPLY FROM: hatedlore
Ok that is IT!
-pulls out $4.99 "amethyst" crystal from michael's and reflects your spell back to you making you an underpants gnome-

REPLY: Mike has no patience for the darkle and tinct!
But yarrr! I am gnome!

My plans of pie, defeated! I am not of the smart enough to figure out the use of a spoon or fork!
Curse you, dime-store wizard!
I am Mike! Not someone else!

MESSAGE: I am the Mike! I am so of not-the-intelligence-having, I reply to my own entry! The inanity of it all! OOOH!
I am eating pie! Watch!

Can't you see the stink of dumb? I am Mike!

FROM: Robot_Cereal
MESSAGE: My word! What is this frightful business! What an appalling lack of prudence!
How gauche and impolitic that Mike should give vent to such dreadfully base conversation in this arena, whose virtue is otherwise above reproach!
Well, I'm off to polish my monocle collection...

So I found this all rather amusing, as did all the little 16 year olds who seem to read my journal. There were a shit load of other awe filled comments just begging Justin to mock them, but he didn't have time to because I finished making the tacos and we gorged ourselves. Alas.

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