A little resolution, maybe
2004-05-13 | 12:31 a.m.

Justin informed me today that the reason people got so excited over him taking over my journal is because my entries have been rather...lacking for the past six months of so. Haven't I apologized enough for this?? What do you people want from me? BLOOD?!?!?!?! I thought I gave that to you when I would post pictures of my arms after Squibb would chew on them a bit, but apparently that's not enough. ::sigh::

Maybe I should make a little resolution in which I promise to update in here at least every other day. Maybe I should do that. Maybe y'all would appreciate that. Huh? Would ya? HUH?!?!? I'M talking to you damn it!! God, I sound like my father. Actually, no I don't because I'm not going like "You're so bad and sinful and how to you think it'll make me look when my son goes straight to hell?? What will everyone think? What about me??" And then I would renounce my religion all because this would allow me, at some later point, to be again for like the 8th time.

But enough of this.

Tomorrow I will be venturing, yet again, to our nation's capital to take part in a peace keeping attempt that I would like to refer to as "Keeping my aunt and grandmother from killing one another in public". I like to refer to my aunt as my aunt because I have never known her as anything but my aunt, however, I guess she's not technically my aunt anymore seeing that my she and my uncle divorced a few years ago. This has been a constant source of annoyance to my grandmother because she has taken this very personally and did one of those "Well I never really liked her to begin with" deals.

So I'm sure that when my uncle started thinking about my cousin Katie graduating from George Washington University, he thought "me, my ex-wife, and my parents for a whole weekend.....OH FUCK!". So Rachel and David decided to head down for the weekend, and I'm tagging along because my grandmother hasn't seen me for over a year and we'll distract everyone enough so that there aren't any public incidents. Hopefully.

so that's the plan anyway

Uh. Shit. I didn't think of any filler, and I totally didn't write all that crap above so that it'd keep anyone's attention for long. Um..uh.

Okay, how about this, I'm going to post pictures because everyone likes pictures, right? I'm sure that there are a few people out there who are like "Nooo!! I'm on dial-up!!!" and I respond to you people by pointing and laughing because it really sucks to be you. Anyway....

First we have a blue fairy manga thing that I drew for my friend Melissa. She took this little online test and it was like "answer these few questions and we'll tell you what you would look like if you were an anime character". So it came up with this written description and I drew it because was bored. I'm well aware that it doesn't look anything like all that manga shit out there, but I don't ever draw that way to when I try to draw all Japanese-ish all I do is make the eyes bigger. Stupid I know but...bite me.

So her description was that she had a whole shit load of hair, wasn't heavily clothed, had a "magic glove" and "Fire powers". So I think I hit all those things fairly well.

Next we have a few SWiSH drawings. The first one you might think that you have seen before, but I assure you, you haven't. The original one is here: Right Here! But, I lost all the work that I did on that one a week or two ago when I had to reformat my hard drive because of a virus. So, I had to rescan the original, make all the changes to the face that I had done before (and I had done a lot. The actually drawing looks a hell of a lot different) and then recolored it. I'm not sure which one I like better. This one is fun cause she's all shiny. I like shiny things.

There is still some text that I have to pop in there. I think they wanted the title of "Queen Hag" stuck in somewhere. I think that sounds kinda odd though, cause here you have a babe with huge, shiny boobies and she is the queen of Hags, women who are normally thought of as being ugly. Now, I'm well aware that this is referring to the fact that she is Queen of all Fag Hags. But couldn't we think of a better way of saying this? Empress of Pillow Biters? Mistress of Fruit Flies? First Lady of Butt Pirates? I dunno. But I'll go along with the whole Queen Hag thing because I'm not drawing this for me, it's for Sue...who is the bees knees (yay SWiSH!)

Next we have two drawings of the same person. Aaron is a drag queen, and quite a fantastic one at that. When I found out I would be drawing him, he requested to be drawn as "Chica Peligro" a winged Super-Hero type, androgynous being of insane amounts of fabulousness. I, of course, didn't pay attention to his requests and just drew him with gigantic boobies. Because, seriously, you can never go wrong with massive tits�.never. I finally reread the email and was like "Oh, I'm an idiot" and drew him how he wanted to be draw. However, I think I like the big boob-y one better.

Chica Peligro:

and then the one I like

So yeah, that's about as exciting as I get these days. All I do is sit in front of the computer and play in Photoshop. Oh well, could be worse I guess. I'm sure that when I get back from D.C. I will have even more pictures to post up here, which y'all are probably getting tired of looking at. But do I care?
Do I ever?

Nope...not really.

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