What actually happens between updates
2004-03-19 | 1:06 a.m.

I feel like a naughty catholic school boy, sitting in crisp slacks and an untucked white shirt, in a confession box. The odd shadows of the screen, separating me from the priest, playing across my face. Secret sins waiting heavily on the back of my tongue for the moment I will drop them upon other earthly ears and lessen their weight on my soul.

Forgive me Diary,
for I have sinned...it has been ten days since my last entry.

My streak of posts with a noticeable lack of actual content will end at some point, I swear. Soon I shall regale you with so much wit that you shall spray milk out of your noses, even when you haven�t been drinking milk at all! So what have I been doing these past 10 days you ask? Well, let me recount my days for you so that the tightening in your bosom over these questions can finally be eased.

Monday, March 8th @ 1:01pm - wrote a poem. It is as follows:
I have just made
Nachos for lunch.
They were really
Bad and dry.
Curses upon you,
Store-bought cheese!
I, of course,
Ate them anyway.

Tuesday, March 9th @ 10:11pm - Finally finished updating my website "Over-Slept.com". It was a long time coming, and was actually quite difficult for me to figure out a way to make an already very boring website look even more dull. But I think the result works quite well. No more exciting Black & White layout to shorten the breath and quicken the pulse....a more conservative Grey now welcomes my many internet visitors. Huzzah

Wednesday, March 10th @ 12:08am - Finally started reading The Confessions of Max Tivoli by Andrew Sean Greer, even though I had lied and told a few people that I started reading it two days before (oh, the guilt...the guilt!). My goal was to read and finish the book by Friday the 19th, at which point Justin and I would journey into New York City and meet one of my favorite authors, Mr. Jasper Fforde, at the Partners & Crime book store in the West Village...so that he could sign my copy of his newest novel....and I could do my best not to flail my arms about and scream like a 14 year old girl at an N�sync concert. Oh that Jasper Fforde...how I love him so. Of course, I am only half way through The Confessions... and so the difficult task of choosing wether I finish it before devouring the new Thursday Next book, or putting it on hold for the duration of my reading frenzy. Such difficult decisions I am forced to make.

Thursday, March 11th @ 9:05am - a variety of topics came my way, and while sitting in the living and watching another episode of "Adult Amateur Home Videos" , I contemplated the following:

(1) What the hell is up with that band 3 Doors Down? Recently many people I have known have made diary entries forcing me to read various lyrics by these guys that seem to describe their feelings...or something. Not that I have anything against them personally, as I have never really heard them before and can't say that I wouldn't love them to death upon hearing them for the first time...but what the fuck gives here? Are they really that good? Or are they just syphoning some general malaise that our generation doesn't know how to express? I remember when "Vertical Horizon" was the cool shit that everyone was really feeling. I'm related to the drummer. His name is Ed. This makes me very cool.

(2) How my boyfriend, a supposed upstanding member of society, was lying in bed that morning with the sheet wrapped about his head, not very much unlike a pirate, singing various New Kids On The Block songs...and then making sounds that would suggest he was shitting himself in the bed. This is my boyfriend, of whom I am well pleased. It's a good thing I'm already quite insane or else I might find it difficult to date the boy, despite the fact that he�s pretty and has a nice bum.

(3) I had Fruity-Pebbles for the first time in my life that morning. I had thought that I ate them at some point while I was living in Savannah because Jonathan was very much in love with those naughty cereals and kept the house well stocked, but they tasted like something I have never had in my mouth before, so I can only assume that I was a Fruity-Pebble virgin. I don�t really know how I feel about them yet. I do not love them, and yet...I do not hate them either. I shall havve to explore this further.

(4) I ate plums that I bought at Stop&Shop, and I thought fondly of allusions to Williams that I could make if someone had been present while I was snacking away. They were delicious. So sweet and so cold.

Friday, March 12th @ 1:23pm - Justin had mentioned before how he wanted the sound tracks to the Final Fantasy games on his computer. Well, as luck may have it, my boyfriend is a total video game dork and has them all. So I spent most of the day ripping all 23 CDs worth onto my computer so I could burn all the MP3s for Justin. I multi-tasked while doing this and watched the entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer: season 5 that I bought on DVD a few days earlier. My, that Spike...what a delicious rough he is.

Saturday, March 13th @ 2:45am - Pete got sick off of coconut shrimp from OutBack SteakHouse and spent most of the day in bed sleeping and feeling feverish, with only a few quick breaks to run to the bathroom to vomit and feel all the more ill. Later that day, Justin and I headed into the city to have dinner with my friend Eddie whom I haven�t seen since 1998. It was Eddie�s birthday and we went to a diner in the Village called Manatus which I think means Manhattan in Dutch....but I could be totally making that up. Sounds good though, doesn't it? The dinner went off without a hitch, save for us getting lost in Brooklyn, some knife-wielding, stale frog shaped cupcakes, and someone screaming racial slurs across the table. I think Justin was scared, but he handled himself well.

Sunday, March 14th - did nothing but sit in room all day and listen to the original BBC radio broadcast of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Then took a nap.

Monday, March 15th @ 9:10am - Dwelled on the fact that I don�t really sleep soundly through the night anymore, and then colored the sketch that I drew of Nakia because I had told him weeks ago that I would draw him something new, but everything I did came up looking rather crappy. It has however, been pointed out to me quite a few times that this images looks like crap as well. My response to that is "I am well aware of this, I�ve just stopped caring....bite my ass"

I then pretended that I was famous and being interviewed by James Lipton and answered my own 10 questions:
1.What is your favorite word?: I've always been rather fond of "akimbo" and "contemplative"
2.What is your least favorite word?: weep
3.What turns you on?: laughing, peanut butter & fluff sandwiches, pillows that feel like kitties, the smell of a new book
4.What turns you off?: idiots (if you don't know who you are, it's okay...I'm keeping a list)
5.What sound or noise do you like?: I like the sound of a box fan in the window at nighttime, in the middle of the summer, and the way the cricket sounds (and all other sounds for that matter) get all chopped up on their way inside
6.What sound or noise do you hate?: My father saying "Hey Mikey!"
7.What is your favorite curse word?: I hate to tread down a well trodden and unoriginal path but "FUCK" is so near and dear to my heart.
8.What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?: I want to work for one of those places that they talk about on MTV, who cater to every whim of celebrities...cause you know these people are making some CASH, yo.
9.What profession would you not like to attempt under any circumstances?: a doctor or surgeon or something along those lines. I can deal with stress, but not stress like that.
10.If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?: "I agree, your dad really WAS a tool..."

Tuesday, March 16th @ 8:14pm - Went to Stop&Shop with Pete and it wasn�t until we got home that it was pointed out to me that my fly had been down the entire time. Felt like a dolt, but the mood was lightened when it was stated that Kill Bill vol.2 would be released in exactly one month from that night.

Wednesday, March 17th @ 10:28pm - Spent the better part of the evening working on design-y stuff and drawing a really quick Space Girl picture for a website. Then had a party celebrating the fact that this was the first Saint Patrick�s day that I haven�t spent in Savannah since 1998. Delicious pizza was had.

Thursday, March 18th @ 8:56am - As I was sitting at the computer this morning, I thought for sure that someone was tossing babies out the windows of the apartment upstairs. Later I found out that it was only snow falling off the roof. Oddly, I was slightly disappointed

-------and that is all. Now I hope none of you feel as though I am holding out on you when I don't update for days at a time. I'm doing nothing but trying to shield you from the mediocrity of my daily life.

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